The Be Book Release Notes Release Notes Index


Declared in:  be/be_apps/Deskbar/Deskbar.h

There's a new system for adding items to Deskbar's shelf. Instead of using "live" BView objects, you create an add-on that implements the Deskbar item-instantiation function, and then pass a pointer to the add-on to BDeskbar::AddItem().

An advantage of the add-on system is that Deskbar items are now persistent across boots.


BView *instantiate_deskbar_item(void)

In Beta 1, this function is called instantiate_deskbar_addon(). The name will be changed in the next Beta.

This is the deskbar-item instantiation function that you implement in an add-on. The function should return a BView object that knows how to describe itself in an archive. The add-on that contains this function doesn't have to live in a particular directory.


status_t AddItem(entry_ref *addon, int32 *id = NULL)
status_t AddItem(BView *view, int32 *id = NULL) deprecated

AddItem() puts a new item on the Deskbar's shelf. To create the new item, Deskbar loads addon and calls the instantiate_deskbar_item() function that should be implemented therein. The id argument, if supplied, is set to the unique id number that Deskbar generates for the new item.

The Be Book Release Notes Release Notes Index

Stephen van Egmond
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