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BString Function Summary

Function Summary

Function Description
!= Case-sensitive comparison of two strings
> Case-sensitive comparison of two strings
>= Case-sensitive comparison of two strings
< Case-sensitive comparison of two strings
<< Appends the formatted representation of a string or number to the object
<= Case-sensitive comparison of two strings
+= Appends a string or character to the BString
= Copies the contents of one string or character to the BString
== Case-sensitive comparison of two strings
Adopt() Moves string data from the argument into this BString.
Append() Adds characters to the end of the BString.
ByteAt() Returns the character at a given position in the string
Capitalize() Converts the string's first character to upper case, the rest to lower
CapitalizeEachWord() Converts the first letter of each word to upper case, the rest to lower
CharacterDeescape() Removes escape characters from a string
CharacterEscape() Escapes specified characters by inserting a special character in front of them
Compare() Case-sensitive comparison
CopyInto() Copies the string into another object or buffer.
CountChars() Returns the string's character count.
FindFirst() Returns the index of the first occurrence of a letter or string
FindLast() Returns the index of the first occurrence of a letter or string, case-insensitive
ICompare() Case-insensitive comparison
IFindFirst() Returns the index of the last occurrence of a letter or string
IFindLast() Returns the index of the last occurrence of a letter or string, case-insensitive
IReplace() Replaces all occurrences of a letter or string with another letter or string
IReplaceFirst() Replaces a case-insensitive string with another string
IReplaceLast() Returns the index of the first occurrence of a letter or string, case-insensitive
Insert() Adds characters to the middle of the BString.
Length() Returns the string's length in bytes.
LockBuffer() Gives direct access to the object's string
MoveInto() Moves the string into another object or buffer.
Prepend() Adds characters to the beginning of the BString.
RemoveAll() Removes every occurrence of a string within the BString
Remove() Removes some characters from the BString
RemoveFirst() Removes the first occurrence of a string within the BString
RemoveLast() Removes the last occurrence of a string within the BString
RemoveSet() Removes every occurrence of a set of characters within the BString.
Replace() Replaces a letter or string with another letter or string
ReplaceFirst() Replaces the first occurrence of a letter or string with another letter or string
ReplaceLast() Replaces the last occurrence of a letter or string with another letter or string
ReplaceSet() Replaces all occurrences of a letter or string with another letter or string
SetTo() Copies string data from the argument into this BString.
String() Returns the object's string
ToLower() Converts the string to lower case
ToUpper() Converts the string to lower case
Truncate() Sets the size of the string.
UnlockBuffer() Balances the previous LockBuffer() call

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Stephen van Egmond