The Be Book Drivers

Drivers: Master Index


acquire_spinlock() Functions for Drivers & Modules
add_debugger_command() Functions for Drivers & Modules
B_ADD_FIXED_DRIVER Constants and Defined Types
add_timer() Functions for Drivers & Modules
api_version Writing Drivers
The area_malloc Module The area_malloc Module
The area_malloc Module The area_malloc Module
B_AREA_MALLOC_MODULE_NAME The area_malloc Module
B_AUDIO_DRIVER_BASE Constants and Defined Types


bytes_per_sector Constants and Defined Types


C Functions Driver Settings API
call_all_cpus() Functions for Drivers & Modules
calloc() The area_malloc Module
cancel_timer() Functions for Drivers & Modules
close_hook() Writing Drivers
Code Synchronization Device Drivers
Constants and Defined Types Constants and Defined Types
Constants and Defined Types Constants and Defined Types
Constants Constants and Defined Types
Constants The area_malloc Module
control_hook() Writing Drivers
cpu_status Functions for Drivers & Modules
create_pool() The area_malloc Module
Current Driver API Version Constants and Defined Types
cylinder_count Constants and Defined Types


Defined Types Constants and Defined Types
Defined Types Driver Settings API
delete_pool() The area_malloc Module
deselect_hook() Writing Drivers
devfs Device Drivers
device Constants and Defined Types
Device Drivers Device Drivers
Device Drivers Device Drivers
Device Drivers Device Drivers
Device Hooks Writing Drivers
device_geometry Constants and Defined Types
device_hooks Constants and Defined Types
device_icon Constants and Defined Types
B_DEVICE_OP_CODES_END Constants and Defined Types
device_type Constants and Defined Types
disable_interrupts() Functions for Drivers & Modules
Disabling Interrupts Device Drivers
Don't Block Device Drivers
Don't Preempt Device Drivers
dprintf() Functions for Drivers & Modules
Driver Control Opcodes Constants and Defined Types
Driver Implementation Principles Device Drivers
Driver Rules Writing Drivers
Driver Settings API anon
The Driver Settings API Device Drivers
Driver Settings API Driver Settings API
Driver Settings API Driver Settings API
driver_parameter Driver Settings API
driver_path Constants and Defined Types
driver_settings Driver Settings API


B_EJECT_DEVICE Constants and Defined Types


File Systems Device Drivers
find_device() Writing Drivers
B_FLUSH_DRIVE_CACHE Constants and Defined Types
B_FORMAT_DEVICE Constants and Defined Types
free() The area_malloc Module
free_hook() Writing Drivers
Functions Available During Spinlocks Device Drivers
Functions Available While Interrupts Are Disabled Device Drivers
Functions for Drivers & Modules Functions for Drivers & Modules
Functions for Drivers & Modules Functions for Drivers & Modules


B_GET_BIOS_DRIVE_ID Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_BIOS_GEOMETRY Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_DEVICE_SIZE Constants and Defined Types
get_driver_boolean_parameter() Driver Settings API
B_GET_DRIVER_FOR_DEVICE Constants and Defined Types
get_driver_parameter() Driver Settings API
get_driver_settings() Driver Settings API
B_GET_GEOMETRY Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_ICON Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_MEDIA_STATUS Constants and Defined Types
get_memory_map() Functions for Drivers & Modules
B_GET_NEXT_OPEN_DEVICE Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_PARTITION_INFO Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_READ_STATUS Constants and Defined Types
B_GET_WRITE_STATUS Constants and Defined Types
B_GRAPHIC_DRIVER_BASE Constants and Defined Types


has_signals_pending() Functions for Drivers & Modules
head_count Constants and Defined Types


icon_data Constants and Defined Types
icon_size Constants and Defined Types
init_driver() Writing Drivers
init_hardware() Writing Drivers
install_io_interrupt_handler() Functions for Drivers & Modules
Interactions with the Kernel Device Drivers
io_card_version() Functions for Drivers & Modules


B_JOYSTICK_DRIVER_BASE Constants and Defined Types


The Kernel and the Driver Author Device Drivers
Kernel Space vs. User Space Device Drivers
kernel_debugger() Functions for Drivers & Modules
kprintf() Functions for Drivers & Modules


load_driver_settings() Driver Settings API
load_driver_symbols() Functions for Drivers & Modules
B_LOAD_MEDIA Constants and Defined Types
Loading the Settings Driver Settings API
lock_memory() Functions for Drivers & Modules
logical_block_size Constants and Defined Types


malloc() The area_malloc Module
map_physical_memory() Functions for Drivers & Modules
B_MIDI_DRIVER_BASE Constants and Defined Types
Module Functions The area_malloc Module
Modules Device Drivers
motherboard_version() Functions for Drivers & Modules


offset Constants and Defined Types
open_device_iterator Constants and Defined Types
open_hook() Writing Drivers


panic() Functions for Drivers & Modules
parse_expression() Functions for Drivers & Modules
partition Constants and Defined Types
partition_info Constants and Defined Types
physical_entry Functions for Drivers & Modules
platform() Functions for Drivers & Modules
publish_devices() Writing Drivers


qent Functions for Drivers & Modules


read_hook() Writing Drivers
read_only Constants and Defined Types
Reading a Boolean Parameter Driver Settings API
Reading a String Parameter Driver Settings API
Reading All Parameters Driver Settings API
Reading the Settings Driver Settings API
readv_hook() Writing Drivers
realloc() The area_malloc Module
register_kernel_daemon() Functions for Drivers & Modules
release_spinlock() Functions for Drivers & Modules
removable Constants and Defined Types
remove_debugger_command() Functions for Drivers & Modules
B_REMOVE_FIXED_DRIVER Constants and Defined Types
remove_io_interrupt_handler() Functions for Drivers & Modules
restore_interrupts() Functions for Drivers & Modules


sectors_per_track Constants and Defined Types
select_hook() Writing Drivers
send_signal_etc() Functions for Drivers & Modules
session Constants and Defined Types
B_SET_BLOCKING_IO Constants and Defined Types
B_SET_DEVICE_SIZE Constants and Defined Types
set_dprintf_enabled() Functions for Drivers & Modules
B_SET_INTERRUPTABLE_IO Constants and Defined Types
B_SET_NONBLOCKING_IO Constants and Defined Types
B_SET_PARTITION Constants and Defined Types
B_SET_UNINTERRUPTABLE_IO Constants and Defined Types
The Settings File Driver Settings API
size Constants and Defined Types
spawn_kernel_thread() Functions for Drivers & Modules
spin() Functions for Drivers & Modules
spinlock Functions for Drivers & Modules
Symbols Drivers Export Writing Drivers


timer Functions for Drivers & Modules
timer_hook Functions for Drivers & Modules
Types of Kernel Add-on Device Drivers


uninit_driver() Writing Drivers
unload_driver_settings() Driver Settings API
unlock_memory() Functions for Drivers & Modules
unregister_kernel_daemon() Functions for Drivers & Modules
Using Modules anon
Using Modules Using Modules
Using Modules Using Modules
Using Posix Calls Device Drivers
Using Spinlocks Device Drivers
Using the Driver Settings API Driver Settings API


write_hook() Writing Drivers
write_once Constants and Defined Types
writev_hook() Writing Drivers
Writing Drivers Writing Drivers
Writing Drivers Writing Drivers
Writing Modules anon
Writing Modules Writing Modules
Writing Modules Writing Modules

The Be Book Drivers

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for BeOS Release 5.

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