The Be Book The Application Kit

The Application Kit: Master Index


= BMessageFilter
= BMessage
= BMessenger
== BMessenger


AboutRequested() BApplication
B_ABOUT_REQUESTED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ActivateApp() BRoster
AddBool() BMessage
AddCommonFilterList() BLooper
AddData() BMessage
AddDouble() BMessage
AddFilter() BHandler
AddFlat() BMessage
AddFloat() BMessage
AddHandler() BLooper
AddInt16() BMessage
AddInt32() BMessage
AddInt64() BMessage
AddInt8() BMessage
AddMessage() BMessageQueue
AddMessage() BMessage
AddMessenger() BMessage
AddPoint() BMessage
AddPointer() BMessage
AddRect() BMessage
AddRef() BMessage
AddSpecifier() BMessage
AddString() BMessage
AddToRecentDocuments() BRoster
AddToRecentFolders() BRoster
Allocation BLooper
AllowsTypeCode() BPropertyInfo
B_ANY_DELIVERY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ANY_SOURCE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
AppActivated() BApplication
AppResources() BApplication
B_APP_ACTIVATED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
app_info Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
BApplication BApplication
BApplication() BApplication
~BApplication() BApplication
Application Flags Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
The Application Kit The Application Kit
The Application Kit The Application Kit
Application Messages BApplication
Application Messages Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Archive() BHandler
Archived Fields BApplication
Archived Fields BHandler
B_ARCHIVED_OBJECT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ArgvReceived() BApplication
B_ARGV_ONLY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_ARGV_RECEIVED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


The BHandler Class Messaging
The BLooper Class Messaging
The BMessage Class Messaging
The BMessenger Class Messaging
B_BACKGROUND_APP Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Basics Scripting
be_app and Subclassing BApplication BApplication
be_app BApplication
be_app Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
be_app_messenger BApplication
be_app_messenger Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
be_clipboard Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
be_roster Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
BeginInvokeNotify() BInvoker
Broadcast() BRoster


B_CANCEL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_COPY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_CUT Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Command() BInvoker
Command() BMessageFilter
Commands Scripting
CommonFilterList() BLooper
Constants and Defined Types BMessageFilter
Constants BLooper
Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Constructing the Object and Running the Message Loop BApplication
Constructor and Destructor BApplication
Constructor and Destructor BCursor
Constructor and Destructor BHandler
Constructor and Destructor BInvoker
Constructor and Destructor BLooper
Constructor and Destructor BMessageFilter
Constructor and Destructor BMessageQueue
Constructor and Destructor BMessageRunner
Constructor and Destructor BMessage
Constructor and Destructor BMessenger
Constructor and Destructor BPropertyInfo
Constructor and Destructor BRoster
CountHandlers() BLooper
CountLockRequests() BLooper
CountLocks() BLooper
CountMessages() BMessageQueue
CountNames() BMessage
CountWindows() BApplication
B_CREATE_PROPERTY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Creating and Sending Scripting Messages Scripting
CurrentMessage() BLooper
BCursor BCursor
BCursor() BCursor
~BCursor() BCursor
Cursor Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Cursor Data Format BCursor
Cursor Data Format BCursor


Data Members BMessage
Defined Types Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
delete BMessage
B_DELETE_PROPERTY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
DetachCurrentMessage() BLooper
B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
DispatchMessage() BLooper
B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
DropPoint() BMessage
B_DROPPED_DELIVERY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


EndInvokeNotify() BInvoker
Example Scripting
Examples BHandler
B_EXCLUSIVE_LAUNCH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


Features of the Fundamental Classes Messaging
Filter() BMessageFilter
FilterList() BHandler
filter_hook BMessageFilter
filter_result BMessageFilter
filter_result Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
filter_result Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Filtering BHandler
FiltersAnyCommand() BMessageFilter
FindApp() BRoster
FindBool() BMessage
FindData() BMessage
FindDouble() BMessage
FindFlat() BMessage
FindFloat() BMessage
FindInt16() BMessage
FindInt32() BMessage
FindInt64() BMessage
FindMatch() BPropertyInfo
FindMessage() BMessageQueue
FindMessage() BMessage
FindMessenger() BMessage
FindPoint() BMessage
FindPointer() BMessage
FindRect() BMessage
FindRef() BMessage
FindString() BMessage
Finding a Function Messaging
Finding a Handler Messaging
FintInt8() BMessage
flags BRoster
Flatten() BMessage
Flatten BPropertyInfo
FlattenedSize() BMessage
FlattenedSize() BPropertyInfo
From Looper to Handler Messaging


GetActiveAppInfo() BRoster
GetAppInfo() BApplication
GetAppInfo() BRoster
GetAppList() BRoster
GetCurrentSpecifier() BMessage
GetInfo() BMessageRunner
GetInfo() BMessage
GetRecentApps() BRoster
GetRecentDocuments() BRoster
GetRecentFolders() BRoster
GetRunningAppInfo() BRoster
GetSupportedSuites() BApplication
GetSupportedSuites() BHandler
B_GET_PROPERTY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_GET_SUPPORTED_SUITES Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Global Variables BApplication
Global Variables Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


Handler Associations Messaging
HandlerAt() BLooper
BHandler BHandler
BHandler() BHandler
~BHandler() BHandler
HandlerForReply() BInvoker
The Handler List BHandler
Handling a Reply Messaging
HasSpecifiers() BMessage
HideCursor() BApplication
Hook Functions BApplication
Hook Functions BHandler
Hook Functions BLooper
Hook Functions BMessageFilter


B_ID_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
IndexOf() BLooper
B_INDEX_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Inheritance and the Handler Chain Messaging
InitCheck() BMessageRunner
Instantiate() BCursor
"InternalName" BHandler
Invoke() BInvoker
InvokeKind() BInvoker
InvokeNotify() BInvoker
BInvoker BInvoker
BInvoker() BInvoker
~BInvoker() BInvoker
IsCursorHidden() BApplication
IsEmpty() BMessageQueue
IsEmpty() BMessage
IsFixedSize() BPropertyInfo
IsLaunching() BApplication
IsLocked() BLooper
IsReply() BMessage
IsRunning() BRoster
IsSourceRemote() BMessage
IsSourceWaiting() BMessage
IsSystem() BMessage
IsTargetLocal() BInvoker
IsTargetLocal() BMessenger
IsValid() BMessenger


Launch() BRoster
Launch Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LAUNCH_MASK Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LOCAL_SOURCE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Lock() BLooper
Lock() BMessageQueue
LockLooper() BHandler
LockLooperWithTimeout() BHandler
LockTarget() BMessenger
LockTargetWithTimeout() BMessenger
LockWithTimeout() BLooper
Locking BLooper
LockingThread() BLooper
Looper() BHandler
BLooper BLooper
BLooper() BLooper
~BLooper() BLooper
Looper() BMessageFilter
LooperForThread() BLooper
Looper Port Capacity Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_LOOPER_PORT_DEFAULT_CAPACITY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


MakeEmpty() BMessage
Making Objects Scriptable Scripting
Member Functions BApplication
Member Functions BHandler
Member Functions BInvoker
Member Functions BLooper
Member Functions BMessageFilter
Member Functions BMessageQueue
Member Functions BMessageRunner
Member Functions BMessage
Member Functions BMessenger
Member Functions BPropertyInfo
Member Functions BRoster
Message() BInvoker
BMessage BMessage
BMessage() BMessage
~BMessage() BMessage
Message Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
MessageDelivery() BMessageFilter
BMessageFilter BMessageFilter
BMessageFilter() BMessageFilter
~BMessageFilter() BMessageFilter
Message Filters Messaging
BMessage Ownership BMessage
Message Protocols Messaging
MessageQueue() BLooper
BMessageQueue BMessageQueue
BMessageQueue() BMessageQueue
~BMessageQueue() BMessageQueue
MessageReceived() BHandler
MessageReceived() BLooper
BMessageRunner BMessageRunner
BMessageRunner() BMessageRunner
~BMessageRunner() BMessageRunner
MessageSource() BMessageFilter
Message Specifiers Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
message_delivery BMessageFilter
message_delivery Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
message_delivery Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
message_source BMessageFilter
message_source Constants Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
message_source Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Messages and Handlers BLooper
Messaging Messaging
Messaging Messaging
"Messenger" BHandler
Messenger() BInvoker
BMessenger BMessenger
BMessenger() BMessenger
~BMessenger() BMessenger
B_MIME_DATA Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_MULTIPLE_LAUNCH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


"Name" BApplication
Name() BHandler
B_NAME_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
new BMessage
NextHandler() BHandler
NextMessage() BMessageQueue
B_NO_REPLY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NO_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_NODE_MONITOR Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Notifiers and Observers BHandler


ObscureCursor() BApplication
Operators BMessageFilter
Operators BMessage
Operators BMessenger
Other Topics BApplication


B_PASTE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_PULSE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
PopSpecifier() BMessage
port BRoster
Port Capacity BLooper
PostMessage() BLooper
The PostMessage() Function Messaging
PreferredHandler() BLooper
Preparatory Reading BMessage
Previous() BMessage
PrintToStream() BMessage
PrintToStream() BPropertyInfo
Priority BLooper
B_PROGRAMMED_DELIVERY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Properties and Specifiers Scripting
BPropertyInfo BPropertyInfo
PropertyInfo() BPropertyInfo
~BPropertyInfo() BPropertyInfo
property_info BPropertyInfo
Pulse() BApplication


B_QUERY_UPDATE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Quit() BApplication
Quit() BLooper
QuitRequested() BApplication
QuitRequested() BLooper
B_QUIT_REQUESTED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


B_REPLY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_RANGE_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ReadyToRun() BApplication
B_READY_TO_RUN Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Receiving a Message Messaging
ref BRoster
RefsReceived() BApplication
B_REFS_RECEIVED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_REMOTE_SOURCE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
RemoveCommonFilterList() BLooper
RemoveData() BMessage
RemoveFilter() BHandler
RemoveHandler() BLooper
RemoveMessage() BMessageQueue
RemoveName() BMessage
ReplaceBool() BMessage
ReplaceData() BMessage
ReplaceDouble() BMessage
ReplaceFlat() BMessage
ReplaceFloat() BMessage
ReplaceInt16() BMessage
ReplaceInt32() BMessage
ReplaceInt64() BMessage
ReplaceInt8() BMessage
ReplaceMessage() BMessage
ReplaceMessenger() BMessage
ReplacePoint() BMessage
ReplacePointer() BMessage
ReplaceRect() BMessage
ReplaceRef() BMessage
ReplaceString() BMessage
Replies Scripting
B_RESET_STATUS_BAR Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ResolveSpecifier() BHandler
ReturnAddress() BMessage
B_REVERSE_INDEX_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_REVERSE_RANGE_SPECIFIER Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
BRoster BRoster
BRoster() BRoster
~BRoster() BRoster
Run() BApplication
Run() BLooper


B_SAVE_REQUESTED Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Scripting Scripting
Scripting Scripting
Scripting Suites and Properties BApplication
Scripting Suites and Properties BHandler
see BHandler
B_SELECT_ALL Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
Sem() BLooper
SendMessage() BMessenger
The SendMessage() Function Messaging
SendReply() BMessage
Sending a Message Messaging
SetCommonFilterList() BLooper
SetCount() BMessageRunner
SetCursor() BApplication
SetFilterList() BHandler
SetHandlerForReply() BInvoker
SetInterval() BMessageRunner
SetMessage() BInvoker
SetName() BHandler
SetNextHandler() BHandler
SetPreferredHandler() BLooper
SetPulseRate() BApplication
SetTarget() BInvoker
SetTimeout() BInvoker
B_SET_PROPERTY Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
ShowCursor() BApplication
signature BRoster
B_SIMPLE_DATA Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SINGLE_LAUNCH Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
B_SKIP_MESSAGE Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
The Specifier Stack Scripting
B_SPECIFIERS_END Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types
StartWatchingAll() BHandler
StartWatching() BHandler
StartWatching() BRoster
Static Functions BApplication
Static Functions BCursor
Static Functions BHandler
Static Functions BLooper
StopWatchingAll() BHandler
StopWatching() BHandler
StopWatching() BRoster
"Suites" BHandler
Suites Scripting


Target() BInvoker
Target() BMessenger
Targets BHandler
Team() BLooper
Team() BMessenger
team BRoster
TeamFor() BRoster
Thread() BLooper
Timeout() BInvoker
TypeCode() BPropertyInfo
Types of Functions BMessage


Unflatten() BMessage
Unflatten() BPropertyInfo
Unlock() BLooper
Unlock() BMessageQueue
UnlockLooper() BHandler
B_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR Global Variables, Constants, and Defined Types


WasDelivered() BMessage
WasDropped() BMessage
WindowAt() BApplication
"Window" BApplication

The Be Book The Application Kit

The Be Book, lovely HTML...
for BeOS Release 5.

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