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Declared in:  be/kernel/OS.h
Summary:  more...

An area is a chunk of virtual memory that can be shared between threads (possibly in different teams). If your application needs to allocate large chunks of memory, or wants to share lots of data with another application, you should consider using an area.

For more on area concepts, see "Areas Concepts".

For examples of creating and sharing areas, see "Area Examples".

Area Functions


area_id area_for(void *addr)

Returns the area that contains the given address (within your own team's address space). The argument needn't be the starting address of an area, nor must it start on a page boundary: If the address lies anywhere within one of your application's areas, the ID of that area is returned.

Since the address is taken to be in the local address space, the area that's returned will also be local—it will have been created or cloned by your application.


See also: find_area()


area_id clone_area(const char *clone_name,
      void **clone_addr,
      uint32 clone_addr_spec,
      uint32 clone_protection,
      area_id source_area)

Creates a new area (the clone area) that maps to the same physical memory as an existing area (the source area).

The fourth constant, B_CLONE_ADDRESS, specifies that the address of the cloned area should be the same as the address of the source area. Cloning the address is convenient if you have two (or more) applications that want to pass pointers to each other—by using cloned addresses, the applications won't have to offset the pointers that they receive. For both the B_ANY_ADDRESS and B_CLONE_ADDRESS specifications, the value that's pointed to by the clone_addr argument is ignored.

The cloned area inherits the source area's locking scheme.

Usually, the source area and clone area are in two different applications. It's possible to clone an area from a source that's in the same application, but there's not much reason to do so unless you want the areas to have different protections.

If clone_area() clone is successful, the clone's area_id is returned. Otherwise, it returns a descriptive error code, listed below.


See also: create_area()


area_id create_area(const char *name,
      void **addr,
      uint32 addr_spec,
      uint32 size,
      uint32 lock,
      uint32 protection)

Creates a new area and returns its area_id.

/* Set the address to a page boundary. */
char *addr = (char *)(B_PAGE_SIZE * 100);

/* Pass the address of addr as the second argument. */
create_area( "my area", &addr, ...);

The function sets the value of *addr to the area's actual starting address—it may be different from the one you requested. The constancy of *addr depends on the value of addr_spec, as explained next.

Constant Meaning
B_EXACT_ADDRESS You want the value of *addr to be taken literally and strictly. If the area can't be allocated at that location, the function fails.
B_BASE_ADDRESS The area can start at a location equal to or greater than *addr.
B_ANY_ADDRESS The starting address is determined by the system. In this case, the value that's pointed to by addr is ignored (going into the function).
B_ANY_KERNEL_ADDRESS The starting address is determined by the system, and the new area will belong to the kernel's team; it won't be deleted when the application quits. In this case, the value that's pointed to by addr is ignored (going into the function).
B_CLONE_ADDRESS This is only meaningful to the clone_area() function.

Constant Meaning
B_FULL_LOCK The area's memory is locked into RAM when the area is created, and won't be swapped out.
B_CONTIGUOUS Not only is the area's memory locked into RAM, it's also guaranteed to be contiguous. This is particularly—and perhaps exclusively—useful to designers of certain types of device drivers.
B_LAZY_LOCK Allows individual pages of memory to be brought into RAM through the natural order of things and then locks them.
B_NO_LOCK Pages are never locked, they're swapped in and out as needed.
B_LOMEM This is a special constant that's used for for areas that need to be locked, contiguous, and that fit within the first 16MB of physical memory. The folks that need this constant know who they are.

If create_area() is successful, the new area_id number is returned. If it's unsuccessful, one of the following error constants is returned.


See also: clone_area()


status_t delete_area(area_id area)

Deletes the designated area. If no one other area maps to the physical memory that this area represents, the memory is freed. After being deleted, the area value is invalid as an area identifier.

Currently, anybody can delete any area—the act isn't denied if, for example, the area_id argument was created by another application. This freedom will be rescinded in a later release. Until then, try to avoid deleting other application's areas.



area_id find_area(const char *name)

Returns an area that has a name that matches the argument. Area names needn't be unique—successive calls to this function with the same argument value may not return the same area_id.

What you do with the area you've found depends on where it came from:


See also: area_for()

get_area_info() , get_next_area_info() , area_info

status_t get_area_info(area_id area, area_info *info)
status_t get_next_area_info(team_id team, int32 *cookie, area_info *info)
struct {} area_info

Copies information about a particular area into the area_info structure designated by info. The first version of the function designates the area directly, by area_id.

The get_next_area_info() version lets you step through the list of a team's areas through iterated calls on the function. The team argument identifies the team you want to look at; a team value of 0 means the team of the calling thread. The cookie argument is a placemark; you set it to 0 on your first call, and let the function do the rest. The function returns B_BAD_VALUE when there are no more areas to visit:

/* Get the area_info for every area in this team. */
area_info info;
int32 cookie = 0;

while (get_next_area_info(0, &cookie, &info) == B_OK)

The area_info structure is:

typedef struct area_info {
         area_id area;
         char name[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH];
         size_t size;
         uint32 lock;
         uint32 protection;
         team_id team;
         size_t ram_size;
         uint32 copy_count;
         uint32 in_count;
         uint32 out_count;
         void *address;
      } area_info;

The fields are:

The final four fields give information about the area that's useful in diagnosing system use. The fields are particularly valuable if you're hunting for memory leaks:



status_t resize_area(area_id area, size_t new_size)

Sets the size of the designated area to new_size, measured in bytes. The new_size argument must be a multiple of B_PAGE_SIZE (4096).

Size modifications affect the end of the area's existing memory allocation: If you're increasing the size of the area, the new memory is added to the end of area; if you're shrinking the area, end pages are released and freed. In neither case does the area's starting address change, nor is existing data modified (except, of course, for data that's lost due to shrinkage).

Resizing affects all areas that refer to this areas physical memory. For example, if B is a clone of A, and you resize A, B will be automatically resized (if possible).



status_t set_area_protection(area_id area, uint32 new_protection)

Sets the given area's read and write protection. The new_protection argument is a mask that specifies one or both of the values B_READ_AREA and B_WRITE_AREA. The former means that the area can be read; the latter, that it can be written to. An area's protection only applies to access to the underlying memory through that specific area. Different area clones that refer to the same memory may have different protections.


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