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Ports Function Summary

Function Summary

Function Description
close_port() Closes a port so no more messages can be written to it
create_port() Creates a new port
delete_port() Deletes a port
find_port() Finds a port given its name
get_next_port_info() Enumerates information about all ports in a given team
get_port_info() Returns information about a specific port
port_buffer_size() Returns the size of the message at the head of the queue (blocks)
port_buffer_size_etc() Returns the size of the message at the head of the queue (blocks with timeout)
port_count() Returns the number of messages currently in the queue
read_port() Reads and removes the message at the head of the queue (blocks)
read_port_etc() Reads and removes the message at the head of the queue (blocks with timeout)
set_port_owner() Transfers ownership of a port
write_port() Places a message at the tail of a port (blocks)
write_port_etc() Places a message at the tail of a port (blocks with timeout)

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