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Semaphore Examples

The following sections provides examples of typical semaphore use. For the full story on semaphores, see Semaphores.

Semaphore Example 1: Locking

The most typical use of a semaphore is to protect a chunk of code that can only be executed by one thread at a time. The semaphore acts as a lock; acquire_sem() locks the code, release_sem() releases it. Semaphores that are used as locks are (almost always) created with a thread count of 1.

As a simple example, let's say you keep track of a maximum value like this:

/* max_val is a global. */
uint32 max_val = 0;

/* bump_max() resets the max value, if necessary. */
void bump_max(uint32 new_value)
   if (new_value > max_value)
      max_value = new_value;

bump_max() isn't thread safe; there's a race condition between the comparison and the assignment. So we protect it with a semaphore:

sem_id max_sem;
uint32 max_val = 0;

/* Initialize the semaphore during a setup routine. */
status_t init()
   if ((max_sem = create_sem(1, "max_sem")) < B_NO_ERROR)
      return B_ERROR;
void bump_max(uint32 new_value)
   if (acquire_sem(max_sem) != B_NO_ERROR)
   if (new_value > max_value)
      max_value = new_value;

Semaphore Example 2: Benaphores

A "benaphore" is a combination of an atomic variable and a semaphore that can improve locking efficiency. If you're using a semaphore as shown in the previous example, you should consider using a benaphore instead (if you can).

Here's the example re-written to use a benaphore:

sem_id max_sem;
uint32 max_val = 0;
int32 ben_val = 0;

status_t init()
   /* This time we initialized the semaphore to 0. */
   if ((max_sem = create_sem(0, "max_sem")) < B_NO_ERROR)
      return B_ERROR;
void bump_max(uint32 new_value)
   int32 previous = atomic_add(&ben_val, 1);
   if (previous >= 1)
      if (acquire_sem(max_sem) != B_NO_ERROR)
         goto get_out;

   if (new_value > max_value)
      max_value = new_value;

   previous = atomic_add(&ben_val, -1);
   if (previous > 1)

The point, here, is that acquire_sem() is called only if it's known (by checking the previous value of ben_val) that some other thread is in the middle of the critical section. On the releasing end, the release_sem() is called only if some other thread has since entered the function (and is now blocked in the acquire_sem() call). An important point, here, is that the semaphore is initialized to 0.

Semaphore Example 3: Imposing an Execution Order

Semaphores can also be used to coordinate threads that are performing separate operations, but that need to perform these operations in a particular order. In the following example, we have a global buffer that's accessed through separate reading and writing functions. Furthermore, we want writes and reads to alternate, with a write going first.

We can lock the entire buffer with a single semaphore, but to enforce alternation we need two semaphores:

sem_id write_sem, read_sem;
char buffer[1024];

/* Initialize the semaphores */
status_t init()
   if ((write_sem = create_sem(1, "write")) < B_NO_ERROR) {
   if ((read_sem = create_sem(0, "read")) < B_NO_ERROR) {

status_t write_buffer(const char *src)
   if (acquire_sem(write_sem) != B_NO_ERROR)
      return B_ERROR;

   strncpy(buffer, src, 1024);


status_t read_buffer(char *dest, size_t len)
   if (acquire_sem(read_sem) != B_NO_ERROR)
      return B_ERROR;

   strncpy(dest, buffer, len);


The initial thread counts ensure that the buffer will be written to before it's read: If a reader arrives before a writer, the reader will block until the writer releases the read_sem semaphore.

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