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Derived from: none
Declared in:  be/media/TimeCode.h Library:
Summary:  more...

Include here information about types etc.

Constructor and Destructor


BTimeCode(bigtime_t us,
      timecode_type type = B_TIMECODE_DEFAULT)
BTimeCode(const BTimeCode &clone)
BTimeCode(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int frames,
      timecode_type type = B_TIMECODE_DEFAULT)

The constructor prepares the BTimeCode object for use. If you use the first form of the constructor, without arguments, you'll have to call an appropriate function to set the BTimeCode's time information before using it for translation purposes. This can be done by calling one or more of SetData(), SetType(), SetMicroseconds(), or SetLinearFrames().

The second form of the constructor accepts as input a time in microseconds, us, and the timecode type.

The third form of the constructor duplicates an existing BTimeCode object.

The fourth form accepts as input a time in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, as well as the timecode type.



A typical destructor

Member Functions

Frames()  see Hours()

GetData() , SetData()

void GetData(int *outHours,
      int *outMinutes,
      int *outSeconds,
      int *outFrames,
      timecode_type *outType = NULL)
void SetData(int hours,
      int minutes,
      int seconds,
      int frames)

GetData() returns the timecode's value in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, and also returns the timecode type, if you specify a valid pointer for outType. SetData() lets you set the timecode's value.


void GetString(char *str) const

Fills str, which must be at least 24 bytes long, with a string indicating the current time in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. The string is formatted in a manner appropriate to the timecode type. A typical example would be "01:24:09.18", which is 1 hour, 24 minutes, 9 seconds, and 18 frames.

Hours() , Minutes() , Seconds() , Frames()

int Hours(void) const
int Minutes(void) const
int Seconds(void) const
int Frames(void) const

These functions return the time's hours, minutes, seconds, and frames portions.

LinearFrames() , SetLinearFrames()

int32 LinearFrames(void) const
void SetLinearFrames(int32 linearFrames)

LinearFrames() returns the BTimeCode object's time in linear frames. SetLinearFrames() lets you change the time, specifying the new time in linear frames.

Microseconds() , SetMicroseconds()

bigtime_t Microseconds(void) const
void SetMicroseconds(bigtime_t us)

Microseconds() returns the BTimeCode object's time, in microseconds. SetMicroseconds() lets you change the time, specifying the new time in microseconds.

Minutes()  see Hours()
Seconds()  see Hours()
SetData()  see GetData()
Set  see LinearFrames()
Set  see Microseconds()
Set  see Type()

Type() , SetType()

timecode_type Type(void) const
status_t SetType(timecode_type type)

Type() returns the BTimeCode object's timecode type. SetType() lets you change the timecode type.



= (assignment)

BTimeCode &operator =(const BTimeCode &clone)

Makes the current BTimeCode identical to the BTimeCode object specified

== (equality)

BTimeCode &operator ==(const BTimeCode &other)

Determines whether or not the two BTimeCode objects are equal (their times are the same, regardless of their timecode types).

< (less than)

BTimeCode &operator <(const BTimeCode &other)

Indicates whether or not one BTimeCode's time, in microseconds, is less than the other's.

+= (expression plus)

BTimeCode &operator +=(const BTimeCode &other)

Adds the time of the BTimeCode object other to the current BTimeCode's time.

-= (expression minus)

BTimeCode &operator -=(const BTimeCode &other)

Subtracts the time of the BTimeCode object other from the current BTimeCode's time.

+ (plus)

BTimeCode &operator +(const BTimeCode &other)

Adds two BTimeCode values together, returning a new BTimeCode.

- (minus)

BTimeCode &operator -(const BTimeCode &other)

Subtracts two BTimeCode values, returning a new one.

Global C Functions


status_t count_timecodes(void)

Returns the number of recognized time code types.

frames_to_timecode() , timecode_to_frames()

status_t frames_to_timecode(int32 linearFrames,
      int * hours, int * minutes, int * seconds, int * frames,
      const timecode_info * code = NULL)
status_t timecode_to_frames(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int frames,
      int32 * linearFrames,
      const timecode_info * code = NULL)

frames_to_timecode() converts the frame offset linearFrames into hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.

timecode_to_frames() converts the time from hours, minutes, seconds, and frames into a linear frame offset, storing the result in linearFrames.

The timecode_info structure code is used to determine how the conversion should be made, if you specify it. Otherwise B_TIMECODE_DEFAULT is assumed.

Currently these functions always return B_OK, but you should still check for errors because you'd hate it if your app broke in the future, wouldn't you?


status_t get_timecode_description(timecode_type type,
      timecode_info * outTimeCode)

Fills out the timecode_info structure specified by outTimeCode with information describing the specified timecode type.


timecode_to_frames()  see frames_to_timecode()
timecode_to_us()  see us_to_timecode()

us_to_timecode() , timecode_to_us()

status_t us_to_timecode(bigtime_t micros,
      int * hours, int * minutes, int * seconds, int * frames,
      const timecode_info * code = NULL)
status_t timecode_to_us(int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int frames,
      bigtime_t * micros, const timecode_info * code = NULL)

us_to_timecode() converts the time micros, which is specified in microseconds, into hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.

timecode_to_us() converts the time from hours, minutes, seconds, and frames into microseconds, storing the result in micros.

The timecode_info structure code is used to determine how the conversion should be made, if you specify it. Otherwise B_TIMECODE_DEFAULT is assumed.

Currently these functions always return B_OK, but you should still check for errors because you'd hate it if your app broke in the future, wouldn't you?



Declared in:  be/media/TimeCode.h

Constant Description
B_TIMECODE_DEFAULT The default time code
B_TIMECODE_100 100 frames per second.
B_TIMECODE_75 CD audio
B_TIMECODE_18 Super8

Constants identifying the various timecode types supported by BTimeCode.



Declared in:  be/media/TimeCode.h
struct timecode_info {
      timecode_type type;
      int drop_frames;
      int every_nth;
      int except_nth;
      int fps_div;
      char name[32];
      char format[32];
      char _reserved_[64];

The timecode_info structure describes the attributes of a timecode type. You probably should just use the BTimeCode class, or the global C functions, though. It just makes your life easier.

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