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BTimeCode Function Summary

Function Summary

Function Description
< Determines if one BTimeCode's time is lower than another's
+ Adds another BTimeCode's value
+= Adds another BTimeCode's value
- Subtracts another BTimeCode's value
-= Subtracts another BTimeCode's value
= Makes one BTimeCode equivalent to another
== Determines if two BTimeCode objects are equal
count_timecodes() Returns the number of recognized time code types
Frames() Returns the frames portion of the time
frames_to_timecode() Given a frame offset and a timecode_info structure, returns the time in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames
GetData() Gets the timecode's value in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames
GetString() Returns the time in string form
get_timecode_description() Returns a timecode_info structure for the specified timecode type
Hours() Returns the hours portion of the time
LinearFrames() Returns the time in terms of linear frames
Microseconds() Returns the time in microseconds
Minutes() Returns the minutes portion of the time
Seconds() Returns the seconds portion of the time
SetData() Sets the timecode's value in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames
SetLinearFrames() Sets the time in terms of linear frames
SetMicroseconds() Sets the time in microseconds
SetType() Sets the timecode type
BTimeCode() Basic constructor
~BTimeCode() Destructor
timecode_to_frames() Given a time in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, and a timecode_info structure, returns the linear offset in frames
timecode_to_us() Given a time in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames, and a timecode_info structure, returns the corresponding time in microseconds
Type() Returns the timecode type
us_to_timecode() Given a time in microseconds and a timecode_info structure, returns the corresponding time in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames

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